Feb 10, 2011

Fresh From the Square

 Entry 38:
10 Feb 2011, 12:00 am

This is a summary of what is happening on the ground now. After Mubarak announced that he will not be stepping down but will be giving responsibility to his VP. Crowds were disappointed from speech (please try to view it online), but did not appear violent as was reported on CNN international.

Crowds that were seen leaving were not necessarily going to the TV Broadcast building to storm it or to the presidential palace as was reported by some channels
From more than three different sources on the ground, I was told that people are disappointed but not violent. There are those who say they will still spend the night in the square. The general direction is to stay in the square, pray the Friday prayers there tomorrow and then move the protests to the presidential palace after prayers. "Bokra El 3asr 7anroo7 El Qasr" which means: "Tomorrow afternoon...to the palace".

The protestors are PEACEFUL this is the most important message to relay tonight. They are not intending any violence. They are resuming their chanting and are clearly disappointed but that is the extent of their reaction.

 It is my personal opinion as well, that they still have a lot of thinking to do through the night, like normal people, which makes their decisions about tomorrow unconfirmed.

I repeat: they are not leaving the square ‘en masse’ in a flurry to go do any kind of reactionary demonstrations anywhere. If some people are, they do not represent the majority or the organized entities that have been inhabiting the square for the past 17 days.

God Bless.

Note: These reports are given by phone, live from
Tahrir Square
by the protestors themselves.

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