Feb 5, 2011

Silent Night

Entry 34

It is 5'0clock pm February 5th. We had a quiet and silent night. We spent it thinking and planning. Regardless what anyone thinks...we are not a mob of angry teens with off-the-wall demands. We are leaders of the first honest to goodness movement that this country has seen since we expelled the British.

We are not strangers to hardship. And we will not squander this honor and responsibility that God has bestowed upon us. We have been silent all morning because deliberations have been taking place. We are burdened by the current regime's refusal to let the symbolic abdication of it 30 yr dictator take place.

The most important thing we would like to share today is that we are deliberating and thinking what is best. And there are absolutely NO FOREIGN ELEMENTS OR INDIVIDUALS among us.

Liberation Square has been our home this last week. We know every person in every room. There are no strangers in this house. Only Egypt in our hearts.

God Bless


  1. Thank you for your postings. Our small church prayed for your country last night and will continue to do so. May Peace be victorious for the people of Egypt.

  2. Thank you Jenn, I knew the reference to "Silent Night" would get us the prayers we need:) On a more serious note...we really do need prayers, because this next stretch is when people divide and lose their resolve in conflict. Please keep us in your prayers. Our mosques and churches are united for this here, it is touching to see that it is the same around the world.
